Stanford policy prohibits retaliation against individuals who make a report in good faith.
Helpline submissions through the portal may be made anonymously
If you plan to make an anonymous submission, please provide detailed information to allow the submission to be investigated. Stanford personnel will not be able to follow-up with anyone who reports anonymously.
What to Report
Examples of issues to raise through the Helpline include: conflicts of interest, environmental health and safety concerns, sexual harassment, theft or fraud, accounting irregularities, athletics compliance, violations of law, contract, or University policy.
Violations of the University Code of Conduct should be reported to the Helpline.
Examples of Concerns
Misuse of University Resources/Fraud Financial Misconduct - "One of my co-workers improperly used University funds for personal use."
Discrimination or Harrassment - "I feel threatened by the actions of an individual in the workplace."
Compliance with Laws, Policies, and Procedures - "This transaction violates University policy and/or federal regulations."
Conflict of Interest - "My faculty member has a conflict of interest."
Research Misconduct - "One of my colleagues may have falsified research results."